Check that the contactareas of the grillplate are completely dry before the
temperature regulator in connected. Dry the inside with a dry cloth and
shake it to get rid of water.
Grilling times
• The grilling times are approximate. It varies depending on thickness,
temperature, own taste etc. The temperature of the environment does
also affect the grillingtime. Start at full effect and lower it after some
time and put on the lid. The food will get a crispy surface and at the
same time grilled thoroughly.
• If the surface of the meat gets brown before it´s grilled thoroughly, put
the lid on and reduce the temperature.
• Chicken and turkey shall be completely done but not dry. Well-hung
fillet can be somewhat red inside, then the meat is still juicy and tender.
Pork should always be well done. Check the meat by cutting in it.
Grilling time (total)
Cattle, fillet
10 min
Lamb chops
6-8 min
Pork chops
12-14 min
Pork fillet
6-8 min
Roast beef 1 kg
60 min
(inner temperature 70 degrees)
Pork fillet 1 kg
60 min
(inner temperature 77 degrees)
Meat skewer
10 min
Chicken skewer
10 min
Chicken breast
30 min
Chicken leg
40 min
7117 m trashbin 1105.indd 56
2006-01-24 10:03:05