2. Merchandiser Start-Up/Lights
Turn on the main power. Remove the front grille
by removing the screws located in each of the
corners. Switch is on the left hand side of base.
Supply power will start evaporator coil fans, and
the compressor motor. From the front of the
case, raise the deck pans and check to see that
the coil fans are all functioning properly.
Replace front grille by inserting screws in
locations provided.
Turn on the lights. Light switch is in the interior
of the case. Switch may be above or below the
top shelf and to the left or right side [as shown in
illustration below]. First time lighting may require
a short warm-up period for the bulb. Slightly dim
or a flickering of new bulb is normal. If light do
not turn on, see
section in this operating
3. Temperature Settings
The case temperature is set at the factory, (supply
air 25 °F for a case temp of 41 °F), as determined
by the case size.
The temperature is controlled by a thermostat. If
a temperature setting change is required, refer to
temperature control access.
4. Product Rotation
To prevent freezing or spoilage of stock, product
must be rotated.
At every re-stocking, rotate old stock to front of
shelves and new stock to rear of shelves.
Light Switch Location [at
Either Left or Right Side
of Rear Plenum]
Optional Shelf [Not
on All Cases]