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User manual
Rev. 02 — 28 April 2008
108 of 134
NXP Semiconductors
P89LPC952/954 User manual
A factory-provided default serial loader, located in upper end of user program
memory, providing In-System Programming (ISP) via the serial port.
Two-wire serial debugger.
17.4 Using Flash as data storage: IAP-Lite
The Flash code memory array of this device supports IAP-Lite in addition to standard IAP
functions. Any byte in a non-secured sector of the code memory array may be read using
the MOVC instruction and thus is suitable for use as non-volatile data storage. IAP-Lite
provides an erase-program function that makes it easy for one or more bytes within a
page to be erased and programmed in a single operation without the need to erase or
program any other bytes in the page. IAP-Lite is performed in the application under the
control of the microcontroller’s firmware using four SFRs and an internal 64-byte ‘page
register’ to facilitate erasing and programing within unsecured sectors. These SFRs are:
FMCON (Flash Control Register). When read, this is the status register. When written,
this is a command register. Note that the status bits are cleared to logic 0s when the
command is written.
FMADRL, FMADRH (Flash memory address low, Flash memory address high). Used
to specify the byte address within the page register or specify the page within user
code memory
FMDATA (Flash Data Register). Accepts data to be loaded into the page register.
The page register consists of 64 bytes and an update flag for each byte. When a LOAD
command is issued to FMCON the page register contents and all of the update flags will
be cleared. When FMDATA is written, the value written to FMDATA will be stored in the
page register at the location specified by the lower 6 bits of FMADRL. In addition, the
update flag for that location will be set. FMADRL will auto-increment to the next location.
Auto-increment after writing to the last byte in the page register will ‘wrap-around’ to the
first byte in the page register, but will not affect FMADRL[7:6]. Bytes loaded into the page
register do not have to be continuous. Any byte location can be loaded into the page
register by changing the contents of FMADRL prior to writing to FMDATA. However, each
location in the page register can only be written once following each LOAD command.
Attempts to write to a page register location more than once should be avoided.
FMADRH and FMADRL[7:6] are used to select a page of code memory for the
erase-program function. When the erase-program command is written to FMCON, the
locations within the code memory page that correspond to updated locations in the page
register, will have their contents erased and programmed with the contents of their
corresponding locations in the page register. Only the bytes that were loaded into the
page register will be erased and programmed in the user code array. Other bytes within
the user code memory will not be affected.
Writing the erase-program command (68H) to FMCON will start the erase-program
process and place the CPU in a program-idle state. The CPU will remain in this idle state
until the erase-program cycle is either completed or terminated by an interrupt. When the
program-idle state is exited FMCON will contain status information for the cycle.
If an interrupt occurs during an erase/programming cycle, the erase/programming cycle
will be aborted and the OI flag (Operation Interrupted) in FMCON will be set. If the
application permits interrupts during erasing-programming the user code should check the