Chapter 7
User interface
The application contains the demo mode to demonstrate motor rotation. You can operate it either using the user button, or using
FreeMASTER. The NXP EVK boards include a user button associated with a port interrupt (generated whenever one of the
buttons is pressed). At the beginning of the ISR, a simple logic executes and the interrupt flag clears. When you press the button,
the demo mode starts. When you press the same button again, the application stops and transitions back to the STOP state.
The other way to interact with the demo mode is to use the FreeMASTER tool. The FreeMASTER application consists of two parts:
the PC application used for variable visualization and the set of software drivers running in the embedded application. Data is
transferred between the PC and the embedded application via the serial interface. This interface is provided by the CMSIS-DAP
debugger included in the boards.
The application can be controlled using these two interfaces:
• The button on the MIMXRT1xxx-EVK development board (controlling the demo mode):
— MIMXRT1170-EVK - SW7
• Remote control using FreeMASTER (chapter
Remote control using FreeMASTER
— Using the Motor Control Application Tuning (MCAT) interface.
— Setting a variable in the FreeMASTER Variable Watch.
If you are using your own motor (different from the default motors), make sure to identify all motor parameters. The automated
parameter identification is described in the following sections.
NXP Semiconductors
MCUXpresso SDK Field-Oriented Control (FOC) of 3-Phase PMSM and BLDC motors, Rev. 0, 01/2022
User Guide
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