SPLITMUX Quad Screen Video Splitter
Figure 34- Text Menu-Main Menu
The Main Menu is broken into 10 categories:
Current Mode
Sets the current viewing mode of the SPLITMUX
System Configuration
Configure system settings
Network Configuration
Configure network settings
User Configuration
Configure user access settings
Input Configuration
Configure which inputs will be viewed
Output Configuration
Configure how the images will appear on the display
Mode Configuration
Configure how each mode will behave
Load/Save Layout
Choose to save custom layout (up to 10 different layouts) or load one of saved
custom layouts.
System Information
Displays information about the configuration of the SPLITMUX
Enables the user to reboot the SPLITMUX
Current Mode
In the Current Mode screen (Main Menu--> 1), set the active mode of the SPLITMUX. This is the mode the SPLITMUX will be in
if the unit is power-cycled. The selected Current Active Input will be the primary input (i.e. when in PIP mode, this will be the
largest image on the screen at power ON.
Figure 35- Text Menu-Current Mode Selection