ELC-01MX User Manual
version 2.6
page 9
4 ELC-01MX
4.1 ELC-01MX Components
The following items are shipped with the ELC-01MX system:
Amplifier module for the EPMS-07 system
GND (2.6 mm banana plug) and (optional) REF. (SMB) connectors for headstage
User manual
4.2 Optional Accessories
Differential headstage
Miniature headstage
Cell model
Pipette holder
4.3 System Description
The ELC-01MX was designed for intra- and extracellular recording, precise (single cell)
electrical stimulation as well as juxtasomal filling with patch electrodes. The system consists
of a module for the npi EPMS-07 modular system and a small headstage with holding bar,
dovetail or a mounting plate. It can be used in slices or in in vivo preparations using the
optional headstage with a differential input or for recordings in free moving animals using a
miniature headstage. It has separate capacity compensation controls for VC and CC mode, all
controls (Bridge balance, CC cap comp, offset, holding controls) are calibrated 10-turn
The ELC-01MX is capable to record extracellularly DC or AC coupled, to stimulate with
current or voltage and to perform non-invasive juxtasomal filling of cells with dyes or DNA.
The amplifier can also be used to record and stimulate intracellularly in current clamp (CC) or
voltage clamp (VC). It is also suitable for amperometric or voltammetric investigations with
carbon fiber electrodes.
Operation modes of the amplifier
The operation modes of the amplifier are selected by a rotary switch with five positions:
The selected mode is indicated by LEDs above the two digital displays.
VC or CC are selected by a TTL pulse applied to the MODE SELECT BNC
CURRENT CLAMP MODE: used to inject current signals
CC Mode with all input signals turned off
VOLTAGE CLAMP mode: potential commands are applied to the electrode
High-range VC mode: for stimulation and electroporation