ELC-01MX User Manual
version 2.6
page 24
7.3 Extracellular Stimulation and Electroporation
Cells can be stimulated using current or voltage signals.
Stimulation with Current
Approach the cell in VC mode and apply square voltage pulses to the electrode.
Contact the cell, establish the loose-patch and disconnect the voltage signal from COMM.
INP. / 10 mV (#14, Figure 5).
Set the MODE OF OPERATION switch (#23, Figure 5) to CC.
Set the holding current to zero using switch #5, Figure 5).
For stimulation:
Apply the stimulus signal to the STIM. INPUT 10 nA/V connector (#7, Figure 5)
Set switch #9, Figure 5 to the lower position. Adjust the stimulus amplitude with the
holding current potentiometer #4 and set the stimulus polarity using switch #5, Figure 5.
Gate the preset stimulus with a TTL signal linked to the GATE BNC connector (#9,
Figure 5).
Electroporation with Current
Electroporation can be done using the stimulation procedure, but usually the applied current is
much higher and the stimulus duration is shorter.
Stimulation with Voltage
Approach the cell in VC mode and apply square voltage pulses to the electrode.
Contact the cell and establish the loose-patch.
For stimulation apply a voltage signal of the required amplitude and duration to the
COMM. INP. /10 mV connector (#14, Figure 5).
Set switch #9, Figure 5 to the lower position. Adjust the stimulus amplitude with the
holding potential potentiometer #18 and set the stimulus polarity using switch #17, Figure
5. Gate the preset stimulus with a TTL signal linked to the GATE BNC connector (#10,
Figure 5).
If necessary, adjust the shape of the voltage signal using the VC. COMP. trim-pots
(#16, Figure 5).
Electroporation with Voltage
Electroporation can be done using the stimulation procedure, but usually the applied voltage is
much higher and the stimulus duration is shorter. For stimuli with large amplitudes set the
MODE OF OPERATION switch #23 to VCx10 enabling electroporation with up to 12 V with
a 100 M