ELC-01MX User Manual
version 2.6
page 29
Lee D, Shtengel G, Osborne JE, Lee AK. (2014). Anesthetized- and awake-patched whole-
cell recordings in freely moving rats using UV-cured collar-based electrode stabilization.
Nature Protocols 9, 2784-95. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2014.190.
In-vivo recording with miniature headstage using ELC amplifiers
Epsztein, J., Brecht, M., & Lee, A. K., (2011). Intracellular Determinants of Hippocampal
CA1 Place and Silent Cell Activity in a Novel Environment. Neuron 70, 109–120, April
14, 2011
Lee D, Shtengel G, Osborne JE, Lee AK. (2014). Anesthetized- and awake-patched whole-
cell recordings in freely moving rats using UV-cured collar-based electrode stabilization.
Nature Protocols 9, 2784-95. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2014.190.
Tang Q, Burgalossi A, Ebbesen CL, Ray S, Naumann R, Schmidt H, Spicher D, Brecht M.
(2014). Pyramidal and stellate cell specificity of grid and border representations in layer 2
of medial entorhinal cortex. Neuron 84, 1191-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.11.009.
Tang Q, Brecht M, Burgalossi A. Juxtacellular recording and morphological identification
of single neurons in freely moving rats. (2014). Nature Protocols 9, 2369-81. doi: