In this section, you can set certain preferences. These are:
You can choose between two different types of controlling the knobs on the V-Station’s
panels. With LINEAR selected, moving the mouse up or down will cause the knob to rotate.
When ROTARY is selected, you should move the mouse in a circle to rotate the knob.
Normally, When the arpeggiator is used on the V-Station, the sustain pedal doesn't work as
sustain but turns the arpeggiator LATCH function on and off instead. The SUST > ARP
function controls whether this feature works or not.
If SUST > ARP is ON, the doesn’t work as a sustain pedal but will latch the arpeggiator for
hands-free operation.
If SUST > ARP is switched OFF, sustain works like a normal sustain pedal and has no effect on
the arpeggiator latch - this should be switched on/off manually using the LATCH button the
EXTRA page.
The remainder of the panel shows details of your V-Station - serial number.
This option allows you to select whether loading external sounds into the V-Station will just be
stored in memory or actually written to the V-Station’s memory permanently.
When using your host sequencer’s LOAD PRESET function (or BANK or SETTING or
whatever the terminology is that is used by your sequencer), depending on the host, these will
only be loaded into the V-Station’s ‘local’ memory - to store them permanently, they need to be
written to the V-Station’s memory. This can be done manually, of course, but this preference
allows you to set the V-Station so that whenever a preset/setting/whatever is loaded, it will
automatically be written to the V-Station’s memory.
You should consult your sequencer’s documentation for details about loading presets/banks.
Another use for this is for automatically writing sounds to memory when you have edited a
sound. Normally (i.e. AUTO WRITE : OFF), when you edit a sound, should you then select a
different sound, unless you have specifically written the edited version to the V-Station’s
memory, your edits will be lost. With this preference enabled, should you select another sound
when editing, the edited version will automatically be written before the new sound is selected.
This sounds ideal - when you select a new sound, any edits you might have made to the
previous sound won’t be lost forever. Except.....
You might have edited a sound but made a right hash of it and it sounds worse than the original
you started off with. So you select another sound - with AUTO-WRITE enabled, your abortive
edit will be written to memory thus overwriting the original sound!
So whilst it’s very useful to be able to auto-save your edits, you can cause problems for yourself
if you’re not careful.
GLOBAL panel / Operation