Oscillators / Waveforms
Another technique possible with the oscillators is that known as OSCILLATOR SYNC. This
synchronises the outputs of two oscillators to create new waveforms.
Normally, when two oscillators are free running, they interact and the resulting waveform is an
‘animated’, constantly evolving sound:
Oscillator 1
Oscillator 2
Mixed waveform
However, when two oscillators are synchronised, one oscillator’s waveform is constantly being
reset to the other:
Oscillator 1
Oscillator 2
Sync waveform
The result is a new waveshape with different harmonic components and the interval between
the two oscillators (and the waveforms selected for both oscillators) determines the harmonic
content of the final waveform. Some very interesting new waveforms can be made in this way
and, used subtly, many digital sounding waveforms can be created.
However, by sweeping the frequency of the synchronised oscillator, many distinctive ‘sync
sweep’ effects can be created that can sound like thick flanging - great for aggressive leadlines
and distinctive bass sounds.
One final type of waveform that is available on most synthesizers is Noise.
Noise is a special case since it contains all the frequencies of the sonic spectrum
simultaneously and, unlike the oscillators, is unpitched. Much like when you mix all the colours
of the light spectrum together, you get the colour white so, when you mix all the frequencies of
the sonic spectrum together, you get a waveform known as white noise and this sounds like a
hiss that can be used for the creation of un-pitched sounds and sound effects.
Synthesis Tutorial