The V-Station’s mixer makes it possible to combine the outputs of Oscillators 1, 2 and 3, the
Noise source and the Ring modulator.
The ability to mix together any (or all) of these sound sources makes it easy to create complex
OSC 1, OSC 2 & OSC 3 Knobs
Controls the volumes of the three oscillators. Fully anticlockwise results in no signal. In this
position and with all the other Mixer levels turned down, there will be no audio output. Fully
clockwise results in full volume for this oscillator.
Controls volume of the White Noise Generator. White Noise is useful for creating sound effects
such as wind and many other unpitched sounds.
RING 1+2
Controls the volume of the Ring Modulator. As we saw in the Synthesis Tutorial, the ring
modulator takes the outputs of Oscillators 1 and 2 and produces enharmonic overtones and
frequencies. As such ring modulation is useful for creating harder metallic tones.
SOLO buttons
Alongside each knob is a LED that can be clicked on to solo the associated sound source. This
can be useful when setting up a sound as it allows you to isolate the sound sources so that you
can concentrate solely on that element of the overall sound. When a source is solo’d, the
button flashes.
MAIN panel / Operation