Using the V-Station
Installing the V-Station - Apple Macintosh
Insert the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and locate the file ‘V-Station.dmg’.
Double click on the file ‘V-Station.dmg’ - this will open as a .pkg file. Double click on this and
simply follow the on-screen instructions. At the end of the installation process, you will be
prompted to finish - click on QUIT.
Note : You may need to restart your computer after the installation.
The V-Station audio unit is now installed. However, you will need to authorise your copy. This is
done when you come to insert the V-Station into a track for the first time. More on this later.
Note : The V-Station only runs under OSX. It cannot be installed on a Mac running OS9 or
Installing the V-Station - Microsoft Windows
Insert the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The installation program should start
automatically when you insert the CD-ROM. If this doesn't happen, locate the file ‘setup.exe’.
Double click on this and simply follow the on-screen instructions. At the end of the installation
process, you will be prompted to finish - click on QUIT.
The V-Station audio unit is now installed. However, you will need to authorise your copy. This is
done when you come to insert the V-Station into a track for the first time. More on this later.
Note : You should select the correct "VstPlugins" directory for your sequencer.
Most VST applications require you to install VST plug-ins into a specific folder for the
application in question. You should ensure that the correct directory/folder is selected. The
default selection should be correct but may not be if you have changed the location of your
plug-ins folder.
If you want to use the V-Station in more than one VST application, you will have to manually
copy the ‘vstation.dll’ file which has already been installed from the default application’s plug-
ins folder into the other VST application’s plug-ins folder.
For example, if you plan to use the V-Station in Cubase and Logic and you install the V-Station
into Cubase’s plug-ins folder, you will have to manually copy the file ‘vstation.dll’ into Logic’s
Vstplugins folder for it to be used in that application.
However, whilst some VST applications require their plug-ins to be in very specific folders,
others use the concept of ‘shared’ plug-ins folders that can be used across a variety of different
hosts from the same vendor.
Frankly, there is no one standard and if you plan to use the V-Station in other VST compatible
applications, you should refer to each of the particular application’s operator’s manual for details
on where the plug-in should be installed.
Inserting the V-Station into a track
To insert the V-Station into a track, you should consult your sequencer’s operator’s manual
where it will tell you what you need to do. Each sequencer handles this differently and it is
almost impossible to explain every variation on the process here.
Getting Started