Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 81
Replace Fuel and Pulse Lines
Fuel lines harden with time and exposure to sunlight leading to cracks and leaks and a possible
fire if fuel leaks onto hot surfaces. The pulse line is exposed to a milder environment than fuel
lines since it is shielded somewhat from sunlight and does not carry liquid fuel. However, the
inside of the pulse line is subjected to fuel vapor from the engine crankcase and some moisture
may also be visible at times. This is normal. Pulse line also must be stiffer than fuel line. If a
pulse line becomes too stiff to return to its shape quickly after being bent, or if cracks are
visible, it should be replaced with new Pulse line.
In general, if one section of fuel line needs to be replaced, all fuel lines should be replaced at
the same time.
Skill Level:
Knife, pliers, wire twisting pliers
” urethane fuel line and/or
”Pulse line
Task Description:
Remove any standoffs or line hold downs along the line run. and note where they were
Remove the clamp or safety wire from both ends of the lines being replaced.
Twist the fuel line on the fitting to break the bond between the line and the fitting. Do
not hold the line with pliers to break this bond. It may damage the fitting itself which
would require replacing the part connected to the line. Work the fuel line off in a
twisting and pulling motion and catch any fuel that may drain from the line or the filter
itself. If the line is not easily removed by pulling with a twisting motion, slice the line
along the length at the fitting end for just the length of the fitting. The line should
easily slide off the fitting once sliced.
Cut new lines the required length using the old line as a guide. Be sure to allow for
ends that were cut off separately.
Route the lines around and through other components as the original line was routed.
Slide the new line onto the fitting dry. DO NOT USE any lubricant to help the line
slide over the fitting.
Clamp or safety wire the line on the fitting.
Re-install new standoffs and hold downs at the required locations to hold lines from
flapping or rubbing against other parts or lines.
Check tubing for any rubbing against other parts or excessive unrestrained movement.
If there is any risk of rubbing against other parts and it is not possible to restrain the
line away from the risk, cut a piece of tubing one size larger and slide it over the fuel
line and wire tie it in place where the rubbing risk occurs.