Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 43
Pull the sail out and over the top of the leading edge and the outside of the entire frame
as shown below.
Bring wing tips together again being careful not to force them. If any resistance is
encountered, stop and check that the sail is clear of all parts, especially the tensioner
cable attachments.
Slowly slide the frame out the nose of the sail guiding the crossbars and sprogs as
required to clear the sail openings.
If the sail is to be shipped to a repair site, it is recommended that the mylar inside the leading
edge be removed. If this is the case, continue with the following steps.
Remove the mylar from the leading edge by laying the sail flat on the ground with the
leading edges laying straight and slowly and carefully pull the mylar out. If any
resistance is encountered, stop and pull the leading edge of the sail flat and straight
again. Having a second person slightly “fluff” the wing at the tip end as you pull the
mylar out will help. Note the orientation of the mylar as it is removed so you will re-
install it the same way.
Fold the sail first in half along the center line (keel tube pocket) with the top side out
keeping the sail as flat as possible.
Replacing Sail on Frame
When replacing the sail on the frame, allow the same 40 foot clean working space preferably
shielded from the wind.
If the mylar were removed for shipping, re-install it in leading edges first. Lay the
wing on a clean surface with the top side up. Re-installing the mylar is reasonably easy
to do if the leading edge pocket is laid “very” flat from nose to tip. This means the
edges of the LE pockets cannot be folded over slightly or even bent a little, otherwise
Pull sail up and over top
of frame on both sides