Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 60
the spindle, the bleeder valve is on the side and some air will be trapped at the top of the
chamber in the caliper. Although bleeding in this position still results in adequate braking,
better braking can be achieved if the caliper if rotated. Therefore, it is best to bleed the
brakes with the caliper just off the key so the bleeder valve can be rotated to the lowest
point. This puts the fluid line fitting at the highest point so air can be pushed through to the
master cylinder.
To position the bleeder valve at the lowest point, it is necessary to slide the brake hub
partially off of the axle beyond the key that holds the hub from turning. Be sure the
1/8” set screws in the caliper hubs are loose. It may require tapping the back side of
the hub with a hammer to free it from the tight fitting keyway. The hydraulic line is
coiled about 1
turns under the root tube which will allow the caliper to slide further
out while the brake line is connected. Be careful not to slide the hub completely off the
axle or the hydraulic line may be damaged. Once the caliper is clear of the key, rotate
it until the bleeder valve is at the bottom or at the lowest point.
Slide a 12” piece of 1/8” flexible clear plastic tubing over the outlet of the bleeder
valve on the master cylinder. Put the other end of the tubing in a glass container on the
ground. If the tubing is not a tight fit, it will try to slide off if particularly when you
open the bleeder valve. Using a 1/4” wrench open the bleeder valves (normal right
hand thread) on the master cylinder and on one (1) wheel caliper about
turn. One
person should hold the tubing on the master cylinder and work the bleeder valve at that
end while a second person pumps ATF fluid (Dextron II or III) through the line from
the caliper to the master cylinder. The fluid can be pumped using a syringe or a pump-
type oil can with a piece of tubing connected from the oil can spout to the caliper
bleeder valve. Be careful not to apply too much pressure with the oil can pump or
syringe because the brake fluid will simply blow out at the tubing fittings. When no air
bubbles are seen in the line from the caliper to the tee at the rear of the root tube, close
both bleeder valves. Note, there may still be air bubbles in the line from the tee to the
master cylinder at this point.
Brake fluid pump
connected to bleeder
valve with
” tubing
person pumps fluid
through lines from rear
person bleeds front
master cylinder into
container using
” tubing
on bleeder valve