Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 59
Remove the two 5/32” hex screws from the inboard side of the caliper and place screws
and springs aside. Remove old pads, install new ones, and replace the hex screws.
Bleeding Hydraulic Brake Lines
If the hydraulic line was disconnected, it will be necessary to bleed the brake lines. It may
also be necessary to bleed the lines if there was air in the lines prior to beginning the brake
repair. Air in the lines will result in a very soft brake pedal and excessive pedal
movement. If sufficient air is in the system, there will be no braking action at all.
Bleeding the brakes is best done with two people.
For best results, it is necessary to have the bleeder valve on the rear calipers at the lowest
point. This is because the brake fluid will be forced from the brake caliper back to the
master cylinder. The bleeder valve on the master cylinder is already at the top, and,
consequently, it is best to force the fluid in this direction. When the caliper is keyed onto
Hex head cap
screws for inboard
brake pads
Keyed brake hub
3 button head hex screws:
Note! Center screw is
fine thread.