Chapter 2 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIX
Book A
The specifics of using the SNMP commands depend on the management
station (see your SNMP management station documentation). The MIB
definitions in the files provided in the directory /annex_root/src/snmp
must be compiled and included in your management station database
before you can manage the 5399 RAC.
Using SNMP set to Send Commands to the 5399
The private enterprise MIB objects allow you to change the configuration
of the 5399 RAC. These configuration changes do not take effect until
the 5399 RAC is rebooted.
Using the SNMP set command, you can broadcast a message, reset a port
or subsystem, and reboot the 5399 RAC.
To broadcast a message, use SNMP set to write the message to
the MIB object anxcBcastMsg and then set the broadcast type
to the MIB object anxcBcast.
To reset the 5399 RAC subsystem, use SNMP set to write the
desired type (all, macros, motd, nameserver, security) to the
MIB object anxcReset.
To reset the 5399 RAC, use SNMP set to write the desired value
to the MIB object anxcReset.
To reset a single internal modem, use SNMP set to write a value
to mdmCtlReset.
To reboot the 5399 RAC, set the desired image name to the MIB
object anxcBootImage and set any boot warning message to the
MIB object anxcBootMsg. For a delayed boot, set the boot time
to the MIB object anxcBootTime. Then set the boot type to the
MIB object anxcBoot.
To change the 5399’s configuration using set, SNMP must be enabled
at boot time. Make sure the argument snmp is not disabled in the
disabled_modules parameter. For more details, see
disabled_modules on page A-52).
You cannot configure filters through SNMP.