Chapter 2 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIX
Book A
Defining the Location String
The keyword location defines the object that describes the 5399’s
location; e.g., computer room. Specifying this string defines the value of
the MIB-II object sysLocation.
The syntax is:
snmp location string
Defining the disabled_modules Parameter
The parameter disabled_modules allows you to turn off certain features
during software initialization (e.g., enter LAT, PPP, SLIP to turn these
features off). If you disable SNMP, the 5399 RAC will discard all SNMP
messages it receives. By default, the SNMP agent on the 5399 RAC is
enabled (for more details, see disabled_modules on page A-52).
Defining the allow_snmp_sets Parameter
The 5399’s default setting for the allow_snmp_sets parameter does not
permit parameter value changes because the SNMP set command’s
header transmits the community string in clear text, which may be a
security risk. To modify parameters through SNMP, you must first set
allow_snmp_sets to yes using the na utility or the admin command. You
cannot set this parameter using SNMP.
SNMP Commands
The SNMP agent software in the 5399 RAC supports the SNMP
commands get, get-next, set, and trap as defined in RFC 1157.
Table B-17 describes these commands.