Chapter 1 Network Administration
Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIX
Book A
613422 total packets received
0 bad header checksums
4 output packets we did frag
5 output fragments we created
2359 calls to icmp_error
0 errors not generated ’cuz old message too short
0 errors not generated ’cuz old message was icmp
Output histogram:
destination unreachable: 2358
Input histogram:
echo reply: 41
65 packets from upper levels
0 TMUX packets sent
0 not suitable to TMUX
0 dropped by TMUX
65 not able to TMUX
0 packets from IP
0 encapsulated packets received
0 TMUX checksum fails
0 TMUX other fails
1 TMUX ENQ packets sent
241 Total run messages received
228 Total run messages transmit
56382 Total service messages recv.
3796 Total service messages used
0 short header packets received
13838 long header packets received
12120 no checksum
1 packet too short
5 not enough data
13671 packets forwarded
0 packets encapsulated