Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIX
Chapter 1 Network Administration
Book A
The 5399 RAC expects to receive an RWHO message from a host at least
every 6 minutes; if no message is received in that time period, the host
table status entry for that host is changed to down?. If there is no message
for 12 minutes, the status is changed to down, and if no message is
received for 60 minutes, the entry is removed from the table.
If the host table acquires a new entry after it is full, the 5399 RAC deletes
the oldest, least-used entry to make room for the new one. If the host table
is too small, it frequently changes. Increasing the size of the host table
using the 5399 RAC parameter host_table_size reduces these changes.
Other tools for managing the host table are:
The CLI hosts –n and hosts –f commands.
The hosts –n command displays name server information; hosts
–f flushes all, or specified, entries in the host table.
The na or CLI admin command reset annex nameserver.
The reset annex nameserver command resets all name server
parameters discussed in this section and flushes all entries from
the host table.
Flushing the host table and resetting the name server does
not remove down-loaded entries from the gateway
section of the configuration file.
Additionally, the gateway section of the configuration
file permits a line entry containing a host name that is
associated with an IP Address. This entry is identical to
the /etc/hosts file entry, except aliasing is not supported.
When the 5399 RAC boots, it adds this host name entry
to the host table. Each entry lives in the host table until a
nameserver overrides the information or until the
administrator resets the nameserver using the na or CLI
admin commands.