The Magnum is designed to size and bevel doors to an exact width. Since many doors come from the
manufacturer at nominal width, most pre-hung door manufacturers size all doors 1/16” to 3/16” under
nominal size. An 1/8” undercut is most common. A 2’-0” door undercut 1/8” would be 23-7/8” from the
hinge edge to the long point of the bevel.
The Magnum is adjustable for up to 3/8” undercut on a nominal sized door. For removing more than
3/16”, or in some harder wood stile doors, the powerfeed feed rate must be reduced. CAUTION: Never
attempt to make large cuts at a fast powerfeed settings.
If you are sizing doors that are considerably oversized and/or you are attempting a large undercut, the
cutterhead must be SHARP and the cutterhead V-belt must be TIGHT. It is recommended that you use
the slower powerfeed speed settings when large undercuts are made. The machine is factory set for a
specific undercut of 1/8”.
The undercut scale, located on the side of the left width carriage, displays the undercut the machine is set
for. Next to the scale is the undercut adjusting knob.
When the undercut pointer aligns with the center “0” mark on the scale, the machine is set to bevel doors
at nominal width (no undercut). To change the undercut to 1/8”, loosen the locking knob and adjust the
undercut assembly watching the pointer until it aligns with 1/8”. Tighten the locking knob and check the
alignment of the pointer and the 1/8” division below the “0” mark again.