After locating the WRAP, the RF650 Hand Terminal and the WRAP will
initiate the connection, and the display will show the following information:
After the RF650 Hand Terminal and the WRAP have the connection defined
and ready for data transfers between the RF650 Hand Terminal and the Host
Application, the display will show the following initial display (for a short time):
An initial display will always appear if no fields are defined. This will usually
occur when the Hand Terminal is activated or its RAM is cleared. The initial
display includes a heading, which may be defined by the user. The input field
consists of max. 18 characters.
< H E A D I N G >
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
A string of characters in the initial display can be sent to the HOST by
pressing the OK button. Alternatively, the field contents may be read using
the Laser Scanner.