Version date: March 27
Operator Manual
NA 3338 Rapid Combi APM
5 Operation
5.1 Start up (start of working day)
First check whether the machine is in ‘STANDBY’ mode. If this is
not the case, measure the temperature of the mix in the mix tank.
If the temperature is higher than 7°C, empty,
clean and disinfect the machine (see chapter 7 - ’Maintenance’
on page 32)
If the temperature is lower than 7°C, first pasteurise the machine
before use.
1. Check
whether the
machine is in
‘STANDBY’ mode.
If this is not the case,
measure the tempera-
ture of the mix in the
mix tank.
If the temperature is
higher than 7°C,
empty, clean and dis-
infect the machine
(see chapter 7 - ’Main-
tenance’ on page 32).
If the temperature is
lower than 7°C, first
pasteurise the machi-
ne before use.
2. Remove
the pasteuri-
sing plug.
3. Clean
the siruphead
and the opening in the
combi-head with 80%
alcohol spray.
4. Insert
the syrup head
in the combi-head.
5. Press
6. Press