Disc Channel
Disc Channel
You’re Done Playing
1. Press the Eject Button to remove the Game Disc if you are finished playing
2. Turn the power off by pressing the Power Button on the front of the console, or by
pressing the Power Button on the Wii Remote for one second.
Starting the Game
1. Using the Wii Remote, select the Disc Channel on the Wii Menu.
2. Select Start on the game’s Channel Preview screen to begin the game.
• Review the instruction booklet for the game you are playing for specific game
Eject Button
Power Button
Channel Preview screen
Front View of
Wii console
Dolby, Pro Logic and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
D i s c C h a n n e l
Playing a Wii or Nintendo GameCube Disc
Before Inserting a Game Disc
• Make sure that your TV and any audio equipment that is connected to your Wii
console is turned on.
• Choose the correct input setting for your TV (see page 18 in the Wii Operations
Inserting a Game Disc
Insert your Game Disc into the Disc Slot on the front of the Wii console. The console
will turn on automatically and the Wii Menu will appear.
• If your console is placed vertically, the disc label will face to the right.
• If your console is placed horizontally, the disc label will face upward.
O n t h e D i s c C h a n n e l , y o u c a n p l a y y o u r W i i a n d N i n t e n d o
G a m e C u b e D i s c s .
Nintendo GameCube Disc
Wii Menu
Disc Channel
To select an on-screen option, simply point at
it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.
NOTE: GameCube controller required for playing
GameCube games.