3.4 Mirror
Mirror function is used to duplicate the traffic from one
or more mirrored ports to a mirror port; this function is
used to monitor the internet access.
If the mirror and mirrored ports are the same, the
system will automatically ignore this mirrored port.
Mirror port bandwidth should be bigger or equal to the
mirrored port bandwidth.
This function supports cross-VLAN monitoring. If the
mirrored port and the mirror ports are assigned to
different VLAN groups, the mirror function is allowed.
Mirror Port:
Selects the port to be used as the monitor
Mirrored Port:
Selects one or more ports to be
3.5 VLAN
To establish secure autonomous broadcast/multicast
domains, you can make switch ports form VLANs. The
VLAN technology can be used to divide a network into
multiple network segments, and reduce broadcast
domains. All Ethernet packets, such as unicast,