servers on page 129). If you select this option, 802.11w (PMF) is automatically set
to mandatory (see Step 8).
When you select WPA3 Enterprise security, the encryption is automatically set to
GCMP256, which is a 256-bit encryption protocol.
When you select WPA3 Enterprise authentication, the Dynamic VLAN radio
buttons display:
Enable: The RADIUS server can assign a VLAN ID to clients. If the RADIUS
server does not do so, the clients are automatically assigned the VLAN ID that
you configured for the SSID.
Disable: The clients are assigned the VLAN ID that you configured for the
SSID. This is the default setting.
8. Optionally, enable 802.11w Protected Management Frames (PMF).
Protected Management Frames (PMF), according to the 802.11w standard, is a
security feature that protects unicast and multicast management frames from being
intercepted and changed for malicious purposes. The type of authentication that
you select determines if this feature is mandatory, optional, or disabled. You can
also set it manually.
Mandatory: This option requires devices to use PMF. Devices that do not support
PMF cannot connect to the WiFi network. If you select Enhanced Open
authentication, WPA3 Personal authentication, or WPA3 Enterprise authentication,
the radio button for PMF is set to Mandatory, and you cannot change it.
Optional: This option lets the access point automatically activate PMF based on
whether devices can support PMF. If you select WPA3/WPA2 Personal
authentication, the radio button for PMF is set to Optional, but you can change
Disable: This option disables PMF. If you select Open, WPA2 Personal,
WPA2/WPA Personal, or WPA2 Enterprise authentication, the radio button for
PMF is set to Disabled, but you can change it (except for Open authentication).
9. Optionally, enable Multi Pre-Shared Key (PSK), which lets you segregate the WiFi
network into different VLANs, each accessible with a unique passphrase.
Multi PSK is supported only if the WiFi security is WPA2 Personal or WPA2/WPA
In a way, Multi PSK lets you create different sub WiFi networks on the WiFi network
that you are setting up.
Although you can also configure this feature while you set up a WiFi network, this
feature is more complex and therefore described separately. For more information,
see Set up Multi PSK for a WiFi network on page 76.
User Manual
Manage the Basic WiFi Features
for a WiFi network
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618