To enable the access point to capture packets in promiscuous mode, select the
Enable check box. By default, promiscuous mode is disabled.
In promiscuous mode the radio or radios receive all traffic on the channel, including
traffic that is not destined for the access point. While the radio or radios are operating
in promiscuous mode, they continue to serve associated clients. Packets that are not
destined for the access point are not forwarded. When the capture process stops,
the radio or radios revert to nonpromiscuous mode.
Promiscuous Capture
To capture packets for a specific client only, select the Client Filter check box and
enter the client’s MAC address in the Client Filter MAC Address field.
Client Filter
If you select the Client Filter check box, enter the client’s MAC address to capture
the packets only for the specific client on the selected interface.
You must enter the MAC address in hexadecimal format with each octet separated
by a hyphen, for example 00-11-22-33-44-55.
Client Filter MAC
Enter the maximum duration of the capture process (that is, if you do not click the
Stop button).
The range is from 10 to 3600 seconds. By default, the maximum duration is 300
Capture Duration
(10-3600 secs)
6. To start the packet capture process, click the Start button.
If any captured packets are already stored on the access point, you are prompted
to allow the packet capture process to overwrite the old information.
7. To stop the packet capture process, click the Stop button.
If you do not stop the process manually, the process is automatically stopped when
the capture duration period is exceeded.
8. To download the file with captured packets, do the following:
a. Click the Download button.
b. Follow the directions of your browser to save the file to your computer.
9. To display the latest information on the page, click the Refresh button.
User Manual
Diagnostics and
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618