From the menu, select the country and region in which the access point is operating.
Note: Make sure that the country is set to the location where the device is operating. You
are responsible for complying with the local, regional, and national regulations that are
set for channels, power levels, and frequency ranges.
Note: It might not be legal to operate the access point in a region other than the regions
listed in the menu. If your country or region is not listed, check with your local government
From the menu, select the time zone for the country and region in which the access point
is operating.
Time Zone
By default, the DHCP client of the access point allows the access point to receive an IP
address from a DHCP server (or router that functions as a DHCP server) in your network.
To set up the access point with a static (fixed) IP address, do the following:
a. Select the Disable radio button.
Additional fields display.
b. Specify the IP address, IP subnet mask, IP address of the default gateway, and IP address
of the DNS server.
DHCP Client
As an option, enter a new name for the access point. The name must contain alphanumeric
characters, must contain at least one alphabetical character, cannot be longer than 15
characters, and can contain hyphens but cannot start or end with a hyphen.
By default, the access point name is Netgearxxxxxx, in which xxxxxx represents the last six
hexadecimal digits of the access point’s MAC address.
AP Name
Enter a new admin password. This is the password that you must use to log in to the access
point’s local browser UI. (It is
the password that you use for WiFi access.)
The password must be 8 to 63 characters in length and must contain at least one uppercase
letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. The following special characters are allowed:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
Save the password for future use.
AP Login New
User Manual
Install the Access Point in Your
Network and Access It for Initial
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618