5. Enable or disable the following features for the radio by selecting the applicable
Enable or Disable radio buttons:
Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM): WiFi Multimedia (WMM) is a subset of the 802.11e
standard. Time-dependent information such as video or audio is given higher
priority than normal traffic. For WMM to function correctly, WiFi clients must also
support WMM. By enabling WMM, you allow WMM to control upstream traffic
flowing from WiFi devices to the access point and downstream traffic flowing
from the access point to WiFi devices. WMM defines the following four queues
in decreasing order of priority:
Voice: The highest priority queue with minimum delay, which makes it very
suitable for applications such as VoIP and streaming media.
Video: The second highest priority queue with low delay. Video applications
are routed to this queue.
Best effort: The medium priority queue with medium delay. Most standard
IP applications use this queue.
Background: The low priority queue with high throughput. Applications such
as FTP that are not time-sensitive but require high throughput can use this
WMM Powersave: Enabling the WMM Powersave feature saves power for
battery-powered devices and fine-tunes power consumption.
6. Click the Apply button.
A warning pop-up window displays.
7. Click the OK button.
The pop-up window closes and your settings are saved. The radio or radios restart
and WiFi clients might need to reconnect.
User Manual
Manage the Basic Radio
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618