5. Click the > button to the left of the SSID.
The settings for the selected SSID display.
6. Under 802.11w (PMF), select one of the following radio buttons:
Mandatory: Requires devices to use PMF. Devices that do not support PMF
cannot connect to the WiFi network. If you select Enhanced Open authentication,
WPA3 Personal authentication, or WPA3 Enterprise authentication, the radio
button for PMF is set to Mandatory, and you cannot change it.
Optional: Lets the access point automatically activate PMF based on whether
devices can support PMF. If you select WPA3/WPA2 Personal authentication, the
radio button for PMF is set to Optional, but you can change it.
Disable: PMF is disabled for the WiFi network. If you select Open, WPA2 Personal,
WPA2/WPA Personal, or WPA2 Enterprise authentication, the radio button for
PMF is set to Disabled, but you can change it (except for Open authentication).
7. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Set up Multi PSK for a WiFi network
Multi Pre-Shared Key (PSK) lets you segregate a single WiFi network into different VLANs,
each accessible with a unique passphrase. In a way, Multi PSK lets you create different
sub WiFi networks on a single WiFi network. When connecting to the WiFi network, the
passphrase that a user enters determines the VLAN that the WiFi client is placed in.
In addition to a VLAN and passphrase, you can associate a key identifier with the
VLAN-to-passphrase mapping. The key identifier lets you identify the VLANs in the WiFi
network for network monitoring purposes. For example, when you display WiFi clients,
the key identifier can also display (see Display client distribution, connected clients, and
client trends on page 186).
As examples of key identifiers, you could use terms such as corporatenetwork_22,
corporatenetwork_23, and corporatenetwork_24. These key identifiers (or the associated
VLAN IDs) are not visible to a user trying to connect to the WiFi network: the user sees
the SSID and enters the passphrase.
If you enable Multi PSK, the WiFi network’s passphrase and VLAN are replaced by the
passphrases and VLANs that are part of the Multi PSK configuration.
User Manual
Manage the Basic WiFi Features
for a WiFi network
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618