UME-0025-02 SU2025GIG
6.3 Calculating the Maximum Value of Packet Delay
The maximum value for the packet delay setting can be calculated as below.In
order to avoid dropped frames, packet delay should not be set greater than this
maximum value.
1. Calculate the time for the CCD to scan 1 frame
Height x scan period of 1 line
2. Calculate the data rate
(Width x Height) ÷ scan period of 1 frame ÷ (1000 x 1000) x PixelByte
3. Calculate the maximum packet delay
(((Maximum Data Rate – Data Rate) x (1000 x 1000)) x Packet Size Set Value)÷
(Data Rate x 1000 x 1000)
Pixel Clock: 25MHz (40ns)
1 pixel bytes: PixelFormat register value
1Byte(Mono8) 2Byte(Mono10/Mono12)
1 line no. of pixels: Width register value
1 frame no. of lines:Heightregister value
Scan period:The user-set scan period
(In free run mode, TriggerInternalCounter register value)
Packet Size: GevSCPSPacketSize register value
Maximum data rate: 120MB/s
Example Calculation
Values used in the example below:
Mono8 Width=2048 Height=2048 Scan Period 88us GevSCPSPacketSize=4000
Calculation 1 ex.: 2048 Line x 88000 ns = 180,224,000 ns
0.18 s
Calculation 2 ex.: (2048 x 2048) ÷ 0.18 s ÷ 1000000 x 1 Byte = 23.3 MB/s
Calculation 3 ex.: (((120 MB/s - 23.3 MB/s) x 1000000) x 4000) ÷ (23.3 MB/s x
1000000) = 16600
In addition, the frame rate can be calculated by the below formula. Please confirm
that the frame rate matches with your actual frame rate when capturing image data in
your usage environment.
If the frame rate displayed in your viewer software is lower than the calculated frame
rate, alter your settings, eg. By reducing the packet delay value.
4. Frame Rate Calculation
sec ÷ time for CCD to scan 1 frame
Calculation 4 ex.: 1 ÷ 0.18 s = 5.5 fps
Under some usage environments, even when the packet delay value is within the
maximum value, the frame rate may be less than the calculated value. In this case,
adjust the packet delay value.