Section 3: Features
Product Description
The system can provide comprehensive hotel/motel services in addition to the features normally available
to business users. Hotel/Motel features include:
Do Not Disturb
A guest can enable and disable Do Not Disturb for their room telephone. In addition, a hotel/motel
employee with a keyset can enable and disable Do Not Disturb for a specific room telephone.
Message Waiting
A hotel/motel employee with a keyset can send a Message Waiting to a room telephone. The message
lamp on the room telephone flashes until the guest answers the Message Waiting.
Room Telephone Status
To better manage room usage, an employee with a keyset can change the status of a room telephone,
Room Available
Room Occupied
Room Ready to be Cleaned
Room to Room Call Restriction
To control inter-room guest calling, a hotel/motel employee with a keyset can enable and dis-
able room- to-room calling.
Room Status with Printout
An employee’s DSS Console can indicate the status of the hotel/motel rooms. Optionally, a
printer connected to a CTA Module can print out room status reports:
Room Status (occupied, available, ready and to be cleaned)
Room Telephone Call and Toll Restriction Information
Do Not Disturb and Clean Up Extension List
Message Waiting Report
Wake-up Call No-Answer Report
Single Digit Extension Access
To simplify guest calling, room telephones can have single digit access to selected extensions.
For example, this allows guests to dial 1 for the front desk, 2 for house cleaning etc.
Toll Restriction Changing
An employee can change the Toll Restriction for a guest’s telephone. For example, the recep-
tionist can enable long distance calling for each room telephone as the guests check in.
Wake-up Call
A guest can set or cancel a wake-up call request. A hotel/motel employee with a keyset can
also set or cancel a wake-up call for a room telephone.
For additional information on Hotel/Motel features, refer to the Hotel/Motel User Guide
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