Section 3: Features
Product Description
Tie Line Toll Restriction Class
Incoming tie lines can have a Toll Restriction Class and be subject to the system’s toll restriction.
For example, Toll Restriction can prevent users from dialing 1-900 calls. When an incoming tie line
caller tries to use system trunks to dial a 1-900 service, Toll Restriction will deny the call.
Flexible Tie Line Service Compatibility
You can individually program tie lines for Dial Pulse (DP) or DTMF incoming or outgoing signal-
ing. Outgoing tie lines can be either wink start or immediate start.
Wink Start Mode Does Not Require a DTMF Receiver
E&M trunks in wink start mode do not require a DTMF receiver for dial tone detection. It is
detected with the wink. This frees the DTMF receivers for other use.
Time and Date
The system uses Time and Date for:
Central Office Calls (Access Maps)
Ring Groups
Class of Service (Class)
Station Message Detail Recording
Direct Inward Lines
System Reports
Display Telephones
Toll Restriction (Class)
Fax Machine Compatibility
Trunk Group Routing
Night Service (Automatic)
Voice Response System
Programmable Trunk Parameters