Section 3: Features
Product Description
Direct Inward Dialing (DID)
Direct Inward Dialing (DID) lets outside callers directly dial system extensions. DID saves time for
callers who know the extension number they wish to reach. To place a DID call, the outside caller
dials the local exchange (NNX) and additional digits to ring the telephone system extension. For
example, DID number 926-5400 can directly dial extension 400. The caller does not have to rely on
attendant or secretary call screening to complete the call.
Direct Inward Dialing requires DID service from telco.
In addition to direct dialing of system extensions, DID provides:
DID Dialed Number Translation
DID Intercept
Flexible DID Service Compatibility
DID Camp-On
DID Dialed Number Translation
DID allows different tables for DID number translation. This gives you more flexibility when buying DID
service from telco. If you can’t buy the exact block of numbers you need (e.g., 301-556), use the translation
tables to convert the digits received. For example, a translation table could convert digits 501-756 to exten-
sion numbers 301-556.
The Aspire system has 2000 DID Translation Table entries that you can allocate among the 20 DID Transla-
tion Tables. There is one translation made in each entry. For a simple installation, you can put all 2000 entries
in the same table. For more flexibility, you can optionally distribute the 2000 entries among the 20 tables.
In addition to number conversion, each DID Translation Table entry can have a name assigned to it. When
the DID call rings the destination extension, the programmed name displays.
Flexible DID Service Compatibility
You can program the system to be compatible with three and four digit DID service. With four digit service,
the telco sends four digits to the system for translation. With three digit service, the telco sends three digits to
the system for translation. Be sure to program your system for compatibility with the provided telco service.
For example, if the telco sends four digits, make sure you set up the translation tables to accept the four digits.
The system is compatible with Dial Pulse (DP) and DTMF DID signaling. DID trunks can be either wink
start or immediate start.
DID Camp-On
DID Camp-On sets what happens to DID calls to busy extensions when you have Busy Intercept disabled.
With DID Camp-On enabled, a call to a busy extension camps-on for the DID Ring No Answer Time inter-
val. It then diverts to the programmed DID Intercept extension ring group or Voice Mail. Without DID
Camp-On, the caller to the busy extension just hears busy tone.
Available - 20 DID Translation Tables can be divided between 2000 entries.