NCast Telepresenter Reference Manual
if ($passwd == "") then
echo "m4files: M4 password required"
echo "Usage: m4files.tcsh host password"
exit 1
# Get list of current archive files
if (-e m4-filelist) then
rm -f m4-filelist
wget $verbosity --output-document=m4-filelist --http-user=backup --http-passwd=$passwd http://
if ($status != 0) then
echo "m4files: Error in accessing archive"
exit 1
if (! -e m4-filelist) then
echo "m4files: Failed to retrieve archive file list"
exit 1
if (-z m4-filelist) then
echo "m4files: No archive files in list"
exit 1
# Process all files in the list that was downloaded
foreach mp4 (`cat m4-filelist`)
# Get the media file
echo "m4files: Retrieving media file $mp4"
wget $verbosity --timestamping --http-user=backup --http-passwd=$passwd http://
if ($status != 0) then
echo "m4files: Error in accessing media file $mp4"
exit 1
# Get the associated xml description file
set xml = $mp4:r.xml
echo "m4files: Retrieving xml file $xml"
wget $verbosity --timestamping --http-user=backup --http-passwd=$passwd http://
if ($status != 0) then
echo "m4files: Error in accessing xml file $xml"
exit 1
# Delete the file if it was downloaded and if the delete option was set (argument 3 == "delete")
if ($deleteoption == "delete" && -e $mp4 && -s $mp4) then
echo "m4files: Deleting archive file $mp4"
wget $verbosity --http-user=backup --http-passwd=$passwd --output-document=$mp4:r.msg http://
if ($status != 0) then
echo "m4files: Error in deleting media file $mp4"
exit 1
NCast Corporation
Revision 2.2
Page 90