NCast Telepresenter Reference Manual
The “dhcp” keyword accepts two values: 0 which means disabled (no dhcp, use static addresses) or 1 which
means enabled (use dhcp, dynamic addresses). The “dns” values identify the domain name servers. The
“ethernet” keyword accepts these link-level values: auto, 10fd, 10hd, 100fd, 100hd, 1000fd, 1000hd (auto
negotiation, 10, 100, 1000 Mbps, Full or Half Duplex). These values are case sensitive. The other keywords
require numeric IP addresses or netmasks as shown above.
The “ntp” parameter enables or disables network time protocol within the unit. If enabled, the Telepresenter
must be on a network where access to public network time servers is available. Disable (ntp=(bool)0”) this
parameter if the unit is on a closed network. Setting this parameter to 0 is useful when the Telepresenter is
being used with a simple hub or switch. Long bootup times will be shortened as the box is no longer
searching for network time servers.
The previous version of this file was named “g2_conf.txt”. If both the new file and the old file are present on
the USB disk, only the new one will be used.
This file should be created/edited with any simple ASCII text editor (e.g. Notepad, Teachtext). Do not use an
advanced word-processing editor to alter this file. Each key=value pair must be on a separate line with no
whitespace prior to the key, and no blank lines in the file.
3.6.15.IP Address Display
If the audio meter is displayed (on the local loopback screen) the current IP address of the unit will be shown
with the meter, allowing verification of the unit’s address.
3.7. T
The Telnet Configuration page is used to enable the Telnet Serial Interface to the unit, an interface, which
may be used to send and receive command and control, strings over IP-based networks. See the Serial
Interface Specification Manual for complete information on the serial command interfaces.
If the interface is enabled, secure the interface with a unique and non-dictionary password, and configure the
IP restriction field to only allow the IP address of the controller unit to command the Telepresenter.
Note that for security reasons the default Telnet port is not utilized.
3.7.1. Telnet Access
Disable access if the serial command interface is not in use.
3.7.2. Password
Choose a password, which has random characters and numbers and is at least 8 characters in length.
Unfortunately, Telnet protocol sends this password in clear-text, so network sniffers may be able to
compromise this entry.
NCast Corporation
Revision 2.2
Page 28