NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
Clicking the green arrow expands the slider to reveal an additional set of Icons:
The function of these Icons (left to right) is listed below.
Restarts the unit and reinitializes all processes. This operation may be needed to clear problems after a
power brownout or other unexpected glitch
Powers down the encoder. It is HIGHLY recommended to power off the equipment with this Icon rather than
simply pulling the plug. All operating parameters will be properly saved and restored.
Factory Defaults
Restores all Channels and other settings to their factory default. All configuration information will be lost.
Nothing is saved and the reset is irreversible.
Export Settings
Once a recorder has been setup and configured, it's highly recommended to export all settings to save the
configuration of the unit for easy restore or repair.
Clicking the Export button will create and download a .zip file with all of the checked information.
Import Settings
To restore an encoder to a previously configured state, press Import Settings and locate the previously
exported .zip file.
NCast Corporation
Revision 2.2
Page 24