NH 2001M
NBase Communications
To correct a command line you may use the following special keys (see the
· <!> or CTRL-P
- for the previous command
- to delete the previous word
- to erase the entire line
When, as a result of a command, more than one screen-full of text is to be
printed, the user may continue to scroll or stop the process.
System related commands
sys-stat show system status
get-stst-level show the selftest level
set-stst-level change the selftest level
warm-reset warm reset of the device
cold-reset cold reset of the device
get-last-err displays information about the last fatal error
init-nvram initialize NVRAM to default values
get-sw-file retrieves the SNMP Agent Software file name
set-sw-file sets the SNMP Agent Software file name - for
get-tftp-srvr retrieves the TFTP download server IP address
set-tftp-srvr sets the TFTP download server IP address
set-tftp-mode sets the TFTP download mode
get-tftp-mode retrieves the TFTP download mode
sw-dnld software download BY TFTP
set-fg-param sets the Ethernet frame generator parameters
start-fg starts the Ethernet frame generator
stop-fg stop the Ethernet frame generator
--Hit any key for more... ('q'- for quit, Esc- for paging
AI2001SB.QXD 4/5/98 11:27 AM Page 21