Chapter 5
© National Instruments Corporation
SCXI-1120 User Manual
MC-MIO-16 User Manual
Multiple A/D Conversions with Continuous Channel Scanning (Round Robin)
Multiple A/D Conversions with Interval Channel Scanning (Pseudosimultaneous)
NB-MIO-16 User Manual
Programming Multiple A/D Conversions with Channel Scanning
NB-MIO-16X User Manual
Multiple A/D Conversions with Continuous Channel Scanning (Round Robin)
Multiple A/D Conversions with Interval Channel Scanning (Pseudosimultaneous)
PC-LPM-16 User Manual
Programming Multiple A/D Conversions with Channel Scanning
Follow the instructions in these sections through the part labeled as follows:
• Clear the A/D Circuitry and Reset the Mux Counter in the MIO board user manual (except for
the AT-MIO-16X and AT-MIO-64F-5). Do not continue to the part called Enable the
Scanning Data Acquisition Operation. You will do this after you have programmed the
modules and Slot 0.
• Program the Sample Counter (if you are doing continuous channel scanning) or Program the
Scan-Interval Counter (if you are doing interval channel scanning) in the AT-MIO-16X and
AT-MIO-64F-5 user manuals. Do not continue to the part labeled Enable a Scanning Data
Acquisition Operation or Enable an Interval Scanning Data Acquisition Operation. You will
do this after you have programmed the modules and Slot 0.
Note: For multiplexed scanning with an MIO board, it is important that you follow the
instructions in the channel scanning sections, not the single-channel sections. Although
you may be using only one MIO board channel, the channel scanning programming will
ensure that the MIO board outputs SCANCLK, which is needed by the SCXI-1120 and
Slot 0.
• Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-LC User Manual. Do not continue to the part called
Program the Sample-Interval Counter. You will do this after you have programmed the
modules and Slot 0.
• Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-PC User Manual, the Lab PC+ User Manual, and the
PC-LPM-16 User Manual. Do not continue to the part called Start and Service the Data
Acquisition Operation. You will do this after you have programmed the modules and Slot 0.
• Clear the A/D Circuitry in the Lab-NB User Manual. Do not continue to the part called
Program the Sample-Interval Counter (Counter A0). You will do this after you have
programmed the modules and Slot 0.