Command protocol
This query command
requests the instantaneous % level related to the
desired standard. This is only for EHP-2B-xx probes.
I=1: Reference Standard (same reading as per ?MES command)
I=2: Standard 2
I=3: Standard 3
I=4: Standard 4
The order of the standards is:
- for -01 and -02 models: ICNIRP98OCC, ICNIRP98GP, SC6CONTR, SC6UNCONTR.
- for -03 and -04 models ICNIRP2020OCC, ICNIRP2020GP, FCCCONTR, FCCUNCONTR.
The reply is in the format:
E is the value for the Electric field;
H is the value for the Magnetic field
% is the measurement unit label
for probes other than EHP-2B-xx
Example of reply
: WME=45.96;2137.43;%;*;
which indicates the E field is at almost 46%,
H field is 2137% of the selected standard.
By adding the
character after the index
, it is possible to include battery voltage and GPS
data to the reply.
Following is the standard NMEA GPRMC and/or GNRMC string that reports the
Time (UTC)
Navigation receiver warning A = OK, V = warning
Latitude (deg. min North/South)
Longitude (deg. min East/West)
Speed over ground (Knots)
Course Made Good
Date (UTC)
Magnetic variation (deg)
Mandatory checksum
Following is the standard NMEA GPGGA and/or GNGGA string that reports the information:
Time (UTC)
Latitude (deg. min North/South)
Longitude (deg. min East/West)
Position Fix
Satellites in use
Horizontal Dilution of Precision
MSL Altitude in m
Geoid Separation in m
Mandatory checksum
The reply is terminated by the string “-->” followed by date and time from the unit.
Example of reply
: WME=46.13;1969.20;%;*;3.78V;
; -->23/09/22 00:07:00*
The NMEA degrees minutes can be convert to decimal degree
(see ?GPS command)
Содержание LR-01
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Страница 76: ...3 4 Probes Manager software installation Click Next to proceed installing...
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