W415-1013 / B / 07.24.13
required ComPonenTS:
• Hmf150/200 Hybrid furnace
• Hmfk-Solid or Hmfk-GlaSS door kit
1. Certified for series connection to the supply plenum outlet only (upstream) of an oil-fired furnace or gas fired
furnace, or electric furnace;
2. may be added onto one of the following:
a gas/oil fired furnace having an output, as shown on the original nameplate, between 60,000
minimum and 85,000 maximum bTu/h (Hmf150), up to 100,000 bTu/h (Hmf200)
an electric furnace having a rating as shown on the original nameplate, between 15 minimum and 20
maximum kw (Hmf150), up to 30 kw (Hmf200)
3. Do not connect duct work so that a reverse flow is possible
4. operate the original furnace (oil, gas, electric) unit periodically to ensure that it will operate satisfactorily
when needed;
5. do not relocate, bypass or render inoperable any of the safety controls in the original furnace installation;
6. Maintain sufficient combustion-air supply to both furnaces. Air starvation is dangerous, see Section 3.2
"outside Combustion air";
7. refer to manufacturer's instruction of existing furnace.
8. do not use duct elbows having an inside radius of less than 6” inches (150mm).
9. an add-on unit shall only be installed on a furnace duct system and chimney that are in good operating
10. a) The differential static pressure between the inside and outside of the warm air supply plenum, or the
air-temperature rise at equilibrium across the original furnace is to be measured before any changes are
made to the system. using the following methods the differential of pressure and temperature should be
adjusted to the same values after the add-on installation (meeting original manufacturer specifications)
in order to maintain the air flow through the original furnace.
on a belt-driven system, blower pulleys and motor pulleys may be changed but the electrical current
flowing through the motor shall not exceed the nameplate rating (a blower motor of larger power
may be used);
on a direct-drive system, the motor shall not be changed; however, the speed of the motor may be
the blower itself shall not be changed;
5.1 HyBrId HmF150/200 AS A "Add ON" TO ExISTING FurNACE
tHe InstallatIOn OF tHe FuRnace Must Be DOne In accORDance WItH Rules OF au-
tHORItIes HavIng JuRIsDIctIOn anD tHe can / csa B365-01 (R2006) stanDaRD FOR sOlID
Fuel BuRnIng applIances anD eQuIpMent.