North American Clutch & Driveline
Rockford, Illinois
Phone: (800) 383-9204
(815) 282-7960
Fax (815) 282-9160
Housings, Cast Parts and Machined Surfaces
5. Replace cast parts or housings that are cracked.
6. Inspect bearing bores for grooved, burred or galled conditions that would indicate that the
bearing has been turning in its housing. If the damage cannot be repaired to like-new condition
with a crocus cloth, replace the part. Bore diameters must not exceed the maximum dimension
shown in the Wear Limits Description and Specifications section of this manual.
Figure 37. Inspect the bores, threads and faces
7. Inspect bores for wear, grooves, scratches and dirt. Remove burrs and scratches with crocus
cloth or a soft stone. Replace parts that are deeply grooved or scratched.
8. Inspect oil and grease passages for obstructions. If an obstruction is found, remove it with
compressed air or by working a wire or wire brush back and forth through the passage and
flushing it with solvent.
Figure 38. Be sure passageways
are clean.