• PWM(i) mode requires the frequency to be in the range of 100Hz to 700Hz.
• Output frequency for data or percent mode can use the range of 40Hz to 1100Hz
• The default frequency is set to 200Hz if Command 82, 0x52h, is not used”
• Mode 1: Configure all the outputs at the same time, override Command 0x53.
• Mode 2: Configure all the inputs at the same time, override Command 0x53 and 0x54.
• ID1: This is used to give a number to the node that will be transmitted back in Status Message 1-User ID. Default as 0, please note
this User ID is not node ID (node address), please see “Configuring the Node ID” for setting node address.
• Save Configuration: Turn on the bits (value of 1) after configuring module, inputs and outputs, otherwise changes will only be saved
until power cycle.
Command 0x53h & 54h (These messages need to be sent until the message confirmation bit is set True):
• Configure individual input and output modes if they haven’t been configured in Mode 1 and Mode 2 in Command 0x52h.
Command 0x54h, 55h, 56h, 59h, & 5Ah (These messages need to be sent until the message confirmation bit is set True):
• Configure the Kp and Ki for any PWM current controls.
Status messages - STAT PGN (EF(Controller Source Address)):
• Status 1 – Factory default configuration returns a value of 1, this should not be on if a module has been configured.
• Status 2 – Configuration Saved returns a value of 1 if the alternate configuration was on (value of 1) and saved the configuration
using “Save Configuration” in Command 52.
• Status 3 – Alternate configuration, a new configuration was made to the module but hasn’t been saved.
• Status 7, 9-14 – Returns a value of 1 each time a Command message 52-58 is sent, to ensure each configuration has been sent.
This is on for a brief moment and then resets.
Command 0x51h (Outputs digital control and Inputs power control) and PWM control messages need to be consistently sent.
Please note PGNs are changing based on Node SA, see section “PGNs USED” for details.
Configuration messages on 0x52h-0x5Ah h should only be sent until receipt is confirmed,
DO NOT send continuously.