Dehumidifier ML420-MLT1400
Appendix 1Options
1.1 General
The ML-series dehumidifiers are designed so that optional products can be easily fitted to them.
This appendix contains information about all optional configurations and components that can be added
when ordering ML dehumidifiers.
Voltage drops can occur when using excessively long cables. If there is less than 20 V supply at the
connection points of the humidity sensor (on the dehumidifier), a separate relay controlled by the humidity sensor
must be used.
1.2 Running time meter
The running time meter records the total number of hours the dehumidifier has run. The last two digits
represent a percentage part of an hour. The running time meter cannot be reset.
Example: 0000475 represents four hours and 45 minutes.
1.3 Rotor stop alarm
An optional reed switch momentarily sends a pulse once per revolution of the rotor, i.e. once every 8
minutes. The switch is activated by a magnet mounted on the rotor to produce a 0 V DC pulse.
If the pulse does not occur within 10 minutes, the drive motor and fault warning indicators flash to show that
a fault has occurred. The unit is automatically switched off.
1.4 Blocked filter alarm
A differential pressure switch can be fitted to the process air and reactivation air filters. When the pressure
differential across the filter exceeds the below preset value, the switch closes, which sends a message
(blocked filter) to the PCB card. The process air or reactivation air filter indicator lights up to indicate the
specific blocked filter.
1.5 Filter box - M5 and F7
ML420-MLT1400 dehumidifiers can be equipped with external filter boxes M5 or F7.
For instructions on how to attach the filter box to the process air inlet or reactivation air inlet, refer to the
instructions supplied with the delivery of the filter box.
The diagram below shows the pressure drop (Pa) across the filter in the filter box.