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Dehumidifier ML420-MLT1400

4. Set the mode switch on the control panel to


and check that both the indicator lamps for the

reactivation heater go out.


In order to dissipate any residual heat, the reactivation air fan, process air fan and the drive motor will

continue to run (after the unit has been switched off) until the temperature has fallen below 50 °C.

5. Check that the process air fan, reactivation air fan and drive motor indicators go out when the

temperature falls below 50 °C, and that the power connected indicator remains on.

For details on the operator panel, see section

6.4, Operator panel

6.6.2 Automatic mode – humidity sensor connected

A single or two stage humidity sensor must be connected for the unit to be run in automatic mode. For
further information, see section

5.1.2, Single-stage humidity sensor


5.1.3, Two-stage humidity sensor


1. Set the mode switch to



2. Adjust the humidity sensor setpoint to the lowest RH value. Set the main power switch to



Check that the following indicator lamps are on and that the unit is running.

Mains supply connection indicator

Unit running indicator*

Both reactivation heater indicators*

Both process air and reactivation air fan indicators*

Drive motor indicator*


If the current RH value in the room to be dehumidified is lower than the setpoint on the humidity sensor,

the above indicators will not light and the dehumidifier will not start.

3. Slowly increase the humidity setpoint and check that the unit switches off when the setpoint matches the

RH in the room where the humidity sensor is installed.

4. Slowly decrease the humidity setpoint and check that the unit switches on when the setpoint falls below

the RH in the room where the humidity sensor is installed.

5. Set the mode switch on the control panel to


and check that both the indicator lamps for the

reactivation heater go out.


In order for the unit’s heaters to cool down, the reactivation air fan, process air fan and the drive motor will

continue to run (after the unit has been switched off) until the temperature has fallen below 50° C.

6. Check that the process air fan, reactivation air fan and drive motor indicators go out when the

temperature falls below 50°C and the unit is running, and that the power connected indicator remains

7. Adjust the humidity setpoint to the desired RH value.
For details on the operator panel, see section

6.4, Operator panel

6.6.3 Automatic mode - RH98 or VariDry (option)

If the unit is fitted with a factory installed RH98 or VariDry (option) humidity control system, the external
humidity sensor must be installed and correctly connected to the unit. The same site requirements apply to
the humidity sensor and RH98 or VariDry, see section

4.8, External humidity sensor


For more operational details, see appendix

1.6, Humidity control system


1. Set the mode switch to






Содержание ML1100

Страница 1: ...Original instructions Usermanual ML420 ML690 MLT800 ML1100 ML1350 MLT1400 Desiccantdehumidifier 190TGB 1035 H1604 MuntersEuropeAB2016 ...

Страница 2: ...ecessary Theserviceandmaintenancemustbe documentedforthewarrantytobevalid AlwayscontactMuntersforserviceorrepair Operating faultscanoccuriftheunitismaintainedinsufficientlyor incorrectly Safety Informationaboutdangersareinthismanualindicated bythecommonhazardsymbol W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Indicatesa possibledangerthatcanleadtopersonalinjury CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Indicatesa possibledangerthat...

Страница 3: ...ssioning 15 5 1 Settings before start up 15 5 1 1 Continuous process airfan operation 15 5 1 2 Single stage humidity sensor 15 5 1 3 Two stage humidity sensor 15 5 1 4 Remote fault indication 15 5 2 Pre startchecks 16 5 3 Airflow check and adjustment 17 6 Operation 18 6 1 General 18 6 2 Quick stop 18 6 3 Beforestarting 18 6 4 Operatorpanel 19 6 5 RH98 operatorpanel 21 6 6 Operating theunit 21 6 6 ...

Страница 4: ... M5and F7 41 1 6 Humidity control system 42 1 6 1 Introduction 42 1 6 2 Transmitter 42 1 6 3 Control unit 42 1 6 4 Setpoints and control parameters 43 1 6 5 Display change setpoint for relative humidity 44 1 6 6 Display change other parameters 44 1 6 7 Processalarms 47 2 ContactMunters 49 iv Tableofcontents 190TGB 1035 H1604 ...

Страница 5: ...osionsafetycompliantequipment isrequired Thedehumidifiermustnotbeinstallednearanyheatgeneratingdevicesthatcancausedamagetothe equipment 1 3 Safetyandcautions Everymeasurehasbeentakeninthedesignandmanufactureofthedehumidifiertoensurethatitmeetsthe safetyrequirementsofthedirectivesandstandardslistedintheECDeclarationofConformity Theinformationinthismanualshallinnowaytakeprecedenceoverindividualrespo...

Страница 6: ...mage to theunit Do not insert fingers orany objects into the airvents Allelectrical installations must be carried out by a qualified electrician and in accordance with local regulations Thedehumidifier can restart automatically after a power cut Always set and lock the main power switch in the OFFposition before carrying out any service work Use only approved lifting equipment to prevent personal ...

Страница 7: ...tification plate 4 Processairinlet 2 Dryairoutlet 5 Reactivation airinlet 3 Wet airoutlet Explanationof Fabr no ontheidentificationplate 09 yearofmanufacture 19 weekofmanufacture 190XXX articlenumber XXXXX serialnumber 1 5 Supervisionofoperation Thedehumidifieriscontrolledandmonitoredusingtheoperatorpanellocatedonthefrontoftheunit 1 6 Faultindications Faultsareclearlyindicatedontheoperatorpanel se...

Страница 8: ...1Internalairflows 4 Wetair Thedesiccantrotoristheadsorptiondehumidifyingcomponentintheunit Therotorstructureis comprisedofalargenumberofsmallairchannels Thedesiccantrotorismadeofacompositematerialthatishighlyeffectiveinattractingandretainingwater vapour Therotorisdividedintwozones Theairflowtobedehumidified processair passesthroughthe largestzoneoftherotorandthenleavestherotorasdryair Sincetheroto...

Страница 9: ...3 Drivebelt 11 Reactivationairfilter 4 Rotor 12 Reactivationairimpeller 5 Sealingring rotor 13 Reactivationfanmotor 6 Upperrotorcover 14 Processfanmotor 7 Electricalcontrolpanel 15 Processairimpeller 8 Reactivationheater 16 Processairfilter NOTE TheML420 unit has only one fan motor that is placed between the process and reactivation impeller 190TGB 1035 H1604 Dehumidifierdesign 5 ...

Страница 10: ...her deliverydocumentation Makesurethateverythingisincludedandnothingisdamaged ContactMuntersimmediatelyifthedeliveryisnotcompleteordamagedinordertoavoidinstallation delays Removeallpackagingmaterialfromtheunit andmakesurethatnodamagehasbeenmadeduring transportation AnyvisibledamagemustbereportedinwritingtoMunterswithin3daysandpriortoinstallationof theunit Discardthepackagingmaterialaccordingtoloca...

Страница 11: Muntersforservice orrepair CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Thewet airduct must always beinsulated when there is a riskof freezing Condensation builds upeasily onthe inside of the duct because of the high moisture content of the wet airleaving the dehumidifier CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Thedehumidifier has been designed to operate at specific process airflows corresponding to the fansizes installe...

Страница 12: ...floor Figure4 1Drillingpattern 4 4 Mirrorhandedductconnections Thefrontandrearpanelsareinterchangeable sothattheconnectionsforprocessairanddryairmaybe situatedeitherontheleftorrightsideoftheunit Thedehumidifiersaredeliveredwiththeprocessanddryairconnectionsontheleftsideoftheunit If itisrequiredtochangetheorientation sothattheconnectionsareontherightsideoftheunit proceed asfollows W W WARNING ARNIN...

Страница 13: ... C re routethecablesandfitthecontrolpanel D ontotheoppositeside oftheunit Refitthecableductcovers 5 Loosentherotorstop E andthetwofiltermonitors F Removethecableties 6 Fittherotorstopandfiltermonitorsontheoppositesideoftheunit Tiethecables 7 Fitthefront rearandtoppanelsintheirnewpositions 4 5 Ductinstallation 4 5 1 Generalrecommendations Theconnectionsforprocessandreactivationairaredesignedinaccor...

Страница 14: ...Thewetairleavingthedehumidifierwill becauseofhighmoisturecontent condenseontheinsideduct walls Byinsulatingtheducts theamountofcondensateisreduced Horizontalwetairductsmustbeinstalledwithaslightdecline awayfromthedehumidifier todrain awaypossiblecondensation Suitablecondensationdrainsmustbeinstalledatlowpointsinthewet airoutletduct seeFigure4 7 Ensurethataccessforoperationandservicingisnotrestrict...

Страница 15: ...D A Figure4 5Ductsrequiredforinstallation A Processairinlet 1 Dryairdamper B Dryairoutlet 2 Externalfilterbox option C Reactivationairinlet 3 Ducttransition D Wetairoutlet 4 Reactivationairdamper 5 Outlet inletduct wirenetting 190TGB 1035 H1604 Installation 11 ...

Страница 16: ...utdoorairinletdesign A Rectangularducting B Roundducting C Wirenetting 4 5 3 Ductforwetairoutlet Thematerialforthewetairductmustwithstandcorrosionandtemperaturesofupto100 C Thewetair ductingmustalwaysbeinsulatedifthereisariskofcondensation Thewetairleavingthedehumidifierwill easilycausecondensationontheinsideoftheductwallsduetothehighmoisturecontent Horizontalductsmustbeinstalledslopingdownwards a...

Страница 17: ...ewiththe specifiedvoltageandfrequencyontheidentificationplate NOTE Thesupply voltage must not differ fromthe specified operating voltage by morethan 10 Forconnectiondetails seetheidentificationplateandthewiringdiagramorsection9 3 Technicaldata 4 8 Externalhumiditysensor ML seriesdehumidifiersarewiredsothatwhentheunitissettoAUTOmatic itcanbecontrolledfrom anexternallymountedhumiditysensor Allmodels...

Страница 18: ...minalsusedforconnectingthehumiditysensorislessthan20VAC aseparate relaycontrolledbythehumiditysensormustbeused 4 9 Gasreactivation ML1100unitsonly Forfurtherinformationoninstallation start upandmaintenanceofgasburners seeappendixaboutgas reactivationprovidedwiththeunit 14 Installation 190TGB 1035 H1604 ...

Страница 19: ...ion preselectcontinuousoperationoftheprocessairfaneventhough dehumidificationisnotrequired Forfurtherinformation seesection5 1 1 Continuousprocessairfanoperation 5 1 3 Two stagehumiditysensor NOTE When nohumidity sensor is connected the dehumidifier will runat maximumeffect continuously Ifatwo stagehumiditysensorisconnected thiswillcontrolthereactivationheaterintwostages The reactivationpoweriscon...

Страница 20: ...y installedandthattherearenosignsofdamagetothesystem Alsocheckthatallductsarefreefrom obstaclesblockingtheairpassage 4 Removethetoppanelandcheckthatnoneofthemaincontactbreakersintheelectricaloperatorpanel havebeentripped Fordetailsrefertothewiringdiagramsprovidedwiththeunit 5 Checkthattheincomingpowersupplyvoltageiscorrectandthatthecablesarecorrectlyconnected 6 Checktherotationdirectionofthefanimp...

Страница 21: ...unit must not be runformorethan a few minutes before setting upthecorrect airflows 1 Adjustthedampersinstalledinthedryairoutletandreactivationairinletductstothecorrectrated airflows 2 Startthedehumidifierandrunatfullpowerfor8minutestoallowthereactivationheatertoreachits normaloperatingtemperature 3 Verifythatthetemperaturedifferencebetweenthereactivationinletairandthereactivationtemperature is95 C...

Страница 22: value 6 2 Quickstop Undernormaloperatingconditions themodeswitchisusedtostopandstarttheunit Inanemergency situation stopthedehumidifierusingthemainpowerswitchontheside CA CA CAUTION UTION UTION Only use the main power switch to stop the unit in the case of anemergency Thenormal shutdown sequence will not befollowed Thefans stop and the heater can bevery hot which can result in damage to the he...

Страница 23: ... MLT1400 6 4 Operatorpanel 1 Figure6 1Mainpowerswitch 150 C 100 C 50 C o o o AUT MAN 2 14 12 13 11 9 10 8 7 6 5 0 3 4 SET RH 98 RH OUT 1 OUT 2 ALARM Figure6 2Operatorpanelwithbuilt inRH98 190TGB 1035 H1604 Operation 19 ...

Страница 24: ...sactivated Forfurtherinformationsee section 8 3 Faulttracinglist 8 Auxiliaryequipmentindicator Thisisa userdefinedoption Theindicatorlightsinnormaloperationalmodeand flashestoindicatea fault Thedehumidifierisautomaticallyswitchedoff andthe faultandremoteindicatorsareactivatedif a faultoccursintheauxiliaryequipment Forunitsfittedwithan air cooledcondenser theauxiliaryequipmentindicatorlamp ison whe...

Страница 25: ...tionofthemodeswitchthecurrentrelativeairhumidityis displayed 6 6 Operatingtheunit 6 6 1 Manualmode 1 Setthemainpowerswitchto 1 on andcheckthatthemainsconnectionindicationlamplights 2 SetthemodeswitchonthecontrolpaneltoMAN Checkthatthefollowingindicatorlampslight Mainssupplyconnectionindicator Unitrunningindicator Bothindicatorsforthereactivationheater Bothprocessairandreactivationairfanindicators ...

Страница 26: ...nthe humidity sensor the above indicators will not light and the dehumidifier will not start 3 Slowlyincreasethehumiditysetpointandcheckthattheunitswitchesoffwhenthesetpointmatchesthe RHintheroomwherethehumiditysensorisinstalled 4 Slowlydecreasethehumiditysetpointandcheckthattheunitswitchesonwhenthesetpointfallsbelow theRHintheroomwherethehumiditysensorisinstalled 5 Setthemodeswitchonthecontrolpan...

Страница 27: ...ndicators will not light and the dehumidifier will not start 4 Slowlyincreasethehumiditysetpointandcheckthattheunitswitchesoffwhenthesetpointmatchesthe RHintheroomwherethehumiditysensorisinstalled 5 Slowlydecreasethehumiditysetpointandcheckthattheunitswitchesonwhenthesetpointfallsbelow theRHintheroomwherethehumiditysensorisinstalled 6 Setthemodeswitchonthecontrolpanelto 0 andcheckthatboththeindica...

Страница 28: ...horterintervals Thesamealsoappliesiftheunitworksintensively 7 3 Serviceoptions Inadditiontocommissioningoftheunittherearefourserviceoptions A D asstandard S Commissioning start up A Inspectionandifnecessarychangeoffilter Generalfunctioncheck B InadditiontoA safetycheckandcapacity temperatureandhumidityregulationmeasurements C InadditiontoB preventivereplacementofsomecomponentsafter3yearsofoperatio...

Страница 29: ...48000 Service work Calendartime inmonths 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Check and replacefilterif necessary checkfunctions X X X X X X X X X X X X X Capacitycheck rotorinspection X X X X X X X Preventiveinspectionincl safety check X X X X X X X Replace hightemperaturecut out X X Check drivebeltand support rollersand replaceif necessary X X Replace drivemotor X Check fans impellers motor bear...

Страница 30: ...T1400 NOTE Service work should beperformedat indicated operating hours orcalendar time whichever is reached first NOTE Maintenance schedule restarts again after maintenance type D 26 Serviceandmaintenance 190TGB 1035 H1604 ...

Страница 31: ...onthetopofthefrontpanel UseAllenKeyNo 5 2 Liftthepanelandremoveitfromtheunit 3 Pulloutthefiltercartridge 4 Cleanthefilterhousing 5 Putinanewfilter Followthearrowtogetthecorrect airflowdirection 6 Liftthepanelinplace Makesurethetwobottom hooksfitintothepanel 7 Tightenthetwotopscrews 190TGB 1035 H1604 Serviceandmaintenance 27 ...

Страница 32: ...istance ofspeciallytrainedpersonnel 8 2 Safety W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Installation adjustments maintenance and repairs must only becarried out by qualified personnel who are aware of the risksinvolved when working with equipment operating with high electrical voltage and high machine temperatures W W WARNING ARNING ARNING Beforedoing any service ormaintenance work onthe unit make sure that all ...

Страница 33: ...d checkthat the unitstarts If the unitstarts the faultisprobablyin the humidity sensor Setthe modeswitch to AUTomaticmode and checkthe humidity sensor byseeingif the dehumidifierstartswhen the humidity sensor setpointisreduced Thenresetthe humidity sensorsetpoint Calibrate the humidity sensor accordingto the manufacturer s recommendations if necessary orreplaceit Unit has stopped No 12 6 and 7 are...

Страница 34: ...rippeddue to a condenserfan fault Switchoffthe mains supplyand allowthe unitto cool down Investigate the cause of the fault and rectify ResetQM21 Unit has stopped Only No 12 Safetydevices have tripped due to a condenserheaterfault reactivationairtemperature Investigate the causeof the fault and rectify ResetQM23 Loss of performance Temperatureincreaseacrossthe reactivationbatteryistoo low Check th...

Страница 35: ...60 100 272 242 650 112 242 373 45 296 700 500 50 128 ML690 719 593 1405 200 125 272 242 750 112 242 372 45 296 700 500 50 146 MLT800 719 593 1305 160 100 272 242 650 112 242 373 45 296 700 500 50 128 ML1100 719 593 1505 250 160 270 242 850 125 242 373 45 296 700 500 50 156 ML1350 719 593 1505 250 160 270 242 850 125 242 372 45 296 700 500 50 156 MLT1400 719 593 1405 200 125 272 242 750 112 242 372...

Страница 36: ...formation NOTE Thebelow figures arebased on a rated airflow 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 ML420 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 MLT800 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 12 5 2 5 5 0 7 5 10 0 kg h 15 0 ML690 0 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 12 5 2 5 5 0 7 5 10 0 kg h 15 0 ML1100 0 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 32 Technicalspecification 190TGB 1035 H1604 ...

Страница 37: ... 0 ML1350 0 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 12 5 2 5 5 0 7 5 10 0 kg h 15 0 MLT1400 0 5 10 15 20 25 80 60 40 1 Processairtemperature C 2 Processairrelativehumidity RH 3 Dehumidificationcapacity moistureremovalperhour kg h 190TGB 1035 H1604 Technicalspecification 33 ...

Страница 38: ... phase 3 50 Hz 220 V 12 6 22 14 9 36 24 3 Current amps phase 3 60 Hz 220 V 12 6 22 5 15 4 36 4 24 6 Current amps phase 3 50 Hz 230 V 12 1 21 6 14 9 35 1 24 Current amps phase 3 50 Hz 380 V 7 3 12 7 8 6 20 8 24 4 14 1 Current amps phase 3 60 Hz 380 V 7 3 13 8 9 21 24 9 14 2 Current amps phase 3 50 Hz 400 V 7 12 4 8 5 20 2 23 6 13 8 Current amps phase 3 50 Hz 415 V 6 7 12 2 8 4 19 8 23 1 13 5 Curren...

Страница 39: ...0 Maximuminstallation altitude above sealevel m 2000 Transportand storage temperature C 20 70 1 Figures quoted arebased on fan inlet temperature of 20 C and an air density of 1 2 kg m3 2 Without optional F5 or F7 filter boxes 3 ML420 dehumidifiers have asingle motordriving both process air and reactivation air fans 4 Contacts on the PCBused to give an external indication to the unit output Table9 ...

Страница 40: ...SoundpowerleveldB A weighted 9 4 1 SounddataML420 Lp A at1 m Lw A Measurerange Hz dB dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 58 66 72 72 65 60 57 60 55 54 Table9 3Soundtoroom allinletsandoutletsducted Duct Lw A Measurerange Hz dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 1 Dryair 68 88 79 68 61 57 53 48 41 2 Processair 71 93 80 72 59 59 59 52 50 3 Reactair 76 93 84 80 73 64 57 54 48 4 Wet air 73 95 83 76 5...

Страница 41: ...actair 76 93 83 79 71 68 62 58 51 4 Wet air 71 93 83 73 59 50 46 39 24 Table9 6Soundinducts 9 4 3 SounddataMLT800 Lp A at1 m Lw A Measurerange Hz dB dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 59 67 75 75 68 64 59 58 58 57 Table9 7Soundtoroom allinletsandoutletsducted Duct Lw A Measurerange Hz dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 1 Dryair 71 84 78 75 68 60 60 54 48 2 Processair 75 90 86 78 66 63 65 62 ...

Страница 42: ...ctair 84 93 91 87 81 76 70 68 63 4 Wet air 79 96 92 83 69 58 54 48 40 Table9 10Soundinducts 9 4 5 SounddataML1350 Lp A at1 m Lw A Measurerange Hz dB dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 67 75 77 83 74 72 68 66 61 59 Table9 11Soundtoroom allinletsandoutletsducted Duct Lw A Measurerange Hz dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 1 Dryair 80 93 89 84 77 68 66 56 46 2 Processair 80 88 86 81 72 72 74 68...

Страница 43: ... 63 63 58 56 Table9 13Soundtoroom allinletsandoutletsducted Duct Lw A Measurerange Hz dB 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 1 Dryair 78 91 84 81 74 68 72 60 55 2 Processair 82 85 87 82 73 73 77 71 66 3 Reactair 76 89 83 79 72 69 63 60 52 4 Wet air 70 93 80 71 58 49 48 41 30 Table9 14Soundinducts 190TGB 1035 H1604 Technicalspecification 39 ...

Страница 44: ...t beassessed Thechemicalscanaccumulateinthematerial Takethenecessaryprecautionstocomplywith applicablelocallegalrequirementsandregulations Therotormaterialisnotcombustible andshouldbedepositedlikeglassfibrematerials W W WARNING ARNING ARNING If the rotoris to becut in pieces wear a suitable CEmarked face mask selected and fitted in accordance with the applicable safety standards to protect fromthe...

Страница 45: ...hmomentarilysendsapulseonceperrevolutionoftherotor i e onceevery8 minutes Theswitchisactivatedbyamagnetmountedontherotortoproducea0VDCpulse Ifthepulsedoesnotoccurwithin10minutes thedrivemotorandfaultwarningindicatorsflashtoshowthat afaulthasoccurred Theunitisautomaticallyswitchedoff 1 4 Blockedfilteralarm Adifferentialpressureswitchcanbefittedtotheprocessairandreactivationairfilters Whenthepressur...

Страница 46: ...wo wiretransmitter whichispositionedwheretheairhumidityistobecontrolled eitherintherelevantroom orintheairduct Thecontrolunitsendscontrolsignalstothedehumidifier Thepowercontrolisperformedinoneortwo steps Thesystemhasapotentialfreecontacttowhichanexternalalarmdevicecanbeconnected 1 6 2 Transmitter Thehumiditytransmittersareavailableintwodifferenttypes wallorductmounted Thehumiditytransmittersensor...

Страница 47: ...ationoutputcanbe controlledasafollowingstep Thecontrolunitisprovidedwithapotentialfreecontacttowhichanexternalalarmdevicecanbe connected Theexternalalarmisactivatedtogetherwiththeinternalalarm 1 6 4 Setpointsandcontrolparameters Checkingandchangingsetpointsandcontrolparameterscanbemadeduringoperationorinstand bymode Figure1 2Operatorpanel Button Function Display changea certainvalueandresetthealar...

Страница 48: ...tomaticallyreturnsto normali e showsthecurrentairhumidity 1 6 6 Display changeotherparameters Theoperatorpanelsetpointsarepresetatthefactoryto50 RH Severalotherinternalparameterscanbe setinadditiontothesetpoint e g differential sensoroffsetandsetpointrange seeTable1 1 1 Pressandholddown formorethantensecondstoshowtheparametermenu Thecharactersinthe topandbottomsegmentsintheleft handdisplaystarttof...

Страница 49: ...armthreshold 100 100 RH 10 RH 33 Delay forminimumalarm 0 99 minutes 0 min 34 Delay formaximumalarm 0 99 minutes 0 min 35 Functionof alarmoutput 0 monitoralarm1 check 1 36 Resetalarmwhen the cause of the alarmisrectified 0 No 1 Yes 1 37 Alarmresettingwhen the SETbutton ispressed 0 No 1 Yes 1 displayonly 40 Powerdelay afterpower failure 0 99 minutes 0 min 41 Forcedrelayfunctionat humidity transmitte...

Страница 50: ...5 Correctionof the humidity sensors s value 15 15 RH Nosettings 10 Offset relay 2 0 20 RH 10 11 Differential relay 2 1 5 RH 1 20 Minimumsetpoint 0 100 RH 0 21 Maximumsetpoint 0 100 RH 100 40 Delay in regainingsupplyaftera power cut 0 99 min 0 41 Forcedsolid state output where sensor fault 0 No 1 100 output 0 42 Forcedrelay 2 output where sensor fault 0 No 1 Yes 0 Table1 2Operatorpanelsystemparamet...

Страница 51: ...orincorrect connections EEE Allparametersettings arelost AcknowledgealarmonRH98 Acknowledgethealarmbypressing ontheoperatorpanel Thedisplaynowstartstoflashanddisplays thealarmmessageandthecurrentrelativeairhumidityalternately Thefunctionfortheresetbuttonis dependentontheparametersettings seeTable1 1 Sensorcalibration Thehumiditytransmitter sreadoffvaluecanbecalibratedusingtheoperatorpanelsensoroff...

Страница 52: ......

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