HYDROCAL 1005 Manual for Installation and Operation
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An alarm in two steps is triggered. Step 1 is triggered when the measured value falls
below the limit defined in Level 1; the second alarm is triggered after exceeding Level 2.
An alarm is triggered when the measured value is outside the limits defined in Level 1
and Level 2.
Once the alarm mode is set then, a sensor must be chosen. All above mentioned internal sensors
are available. If external sensors are connected and configured, these can also be used (see chapter
4.11). The following measuring values are available:
- C
- C
- CO - H
O concentration
- C
- C
- CO - H
O Daily trend
- C
- C
- CO - H
O Weekly trend
Temperature 1
Temperature 2
All values defined under external sensors
For a clear distinction of an alarm, under „Name“ a name can be inputted.
The alarm levels are entered in the fields „Level 1“ and if necessary in „Level 2“. The units defined
for concentration of gases „ppm”, for temperatures „°C” and for external sensors the unit defined for
the respective sensor (e.g. Volt, Ampere ...) will be used. The alarm limits must be within the respec-
tive measuring ranges. This is 0..2000 ppm for gas concentration, 20..100°C for temperatures and
for external sensors the maximum and minimum values of the sensor used.
Delays1..2 can be introduced to suppress alarms during short-time exceeding of limits. Since the
measuring cycle for gas sensors is 20 min, the delay time should not be less than 20 minutes. The
input of delay time is made in seconds or directly in the form [days]-[hours]:[min]:[sec]. The value in-
troduced will be converted after confirmation in [days]-[hours]:[min]:[sec].
Following actions can be selected:
Log entry:
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history of
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history of alarms)
and an output is switched on (If the measured value exceeded the configured limits in the field
"Level 1 & 2"
). The status „on“ described above is activated. If the measured value falls under the
limit, the output is switched off again.
Out, hold:
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history of
alarms) and an output is switched on (If the measured value exceeded the configured limits in the
field "Level 1 & 2")
. The status „on“ described above is activated. If the measured value for this
output falls under the limit, the output remains switched on. Only a manual deleting of alarm al-
lows that the output is switched off again (see chapter 4.11 or 3.6).
Log & SMS:
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history of
alarms) and an entry in the history of alarms is made, this has to be confirmed (see history of
alarms) and an SMS is sent to the number indicated.
Output & SMS:
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history of
alarms) and an output is switched on (If the measured value exceeded the configured limits in the
field "Level 1 & 2")
. The status „on“ described above is activated. If the measured value falls un-
der the limit, the output is switched off again. In addition, an SMS is sent to the number indicated.
Out, hold & SMS:
An entry in the history of alarms is made; this has to be confirmed (see history
of alarms) and an output is switched on (If the measured value exceeded the configured limits in
the field "Level 1 & 2")
. The status „on“ described above is activated. If the measured value for
this output falls under the limit, the output remains switched on. Only a manual deleting of alarm
allows that the output is switched off again (see chapter 5.11 or 4.6). In addition, an SMS is sent
to the number indicated.
Data in the tree
are changed after modification of alarm settings. The star indicates
that modifications have been made; this must be transferred to the HYDROCAL1005 unit for activa-
tion. This means, the settings indicated are not identical to those of HYDROCAL1005. With next
connection, it is requested whether the settings on HYDROCAL1005 unit shall be updated (see
chapter 5.11).