HYDROCAL 1005 Manual for Installation and Operation
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For communication with a HYDROCAL device only the two-wire half-duplex mode is of interest. This
mode requires a kind of send/receive-control which is either ART (Automatic Receive Transmit con-
trol) or a manual control (e.g. via the RTS signal). Further the adapter may echo the send out data.
The two checkboxes in the HydroSoft Connection dialog must mirror the properties of the adapter:
Ignore Echo
Must be checked, if the adapter echo the send out data
RTS Send Control
Must be checked, if the adapter requires a manual send/receive-control via the RTS signal
Answer Delay
If an RS485 adapter with RTS send control is used it may be necessary to set up some answer delay
in the HYDROCAL device. If everything is configured right and still the communication does not work
this may be due to problems with the send/receive-control. If the adapter does not release the
transmitter quick enough, the answer of the HYDROCAL may be damaged and thus unrecognized.
II. Modem
The modem allows a remote connection using the phone network. From a communication point of
view the connection via modem is very similar to the point-to-point connection via RS232. The con-
nection supports full duplex, but may be limited in speed.
The HYDROCAL modem configuration should have been carried out as the device left the produc-
tion. For HydroSoft select "Connect via:" - "Modem" and fill in the modem connection fields as de-
scribed in the user manual, i.e. enter user name, password and phone number and select the mo-
dem to use for the communication.