BIOS Setup
rupt Controller). Due to compliance with PC2001 design guide, the system is
able to run in APIC mode. Enabling APIC mode will expand available IRQ re-
sources for the system. Settings: [Enabled] and [Disabled].
MPS Version Control For OS
This field allows you to select which MPS (Multi-Processor Specification)
version to be used for the operating system. You need to select the MPS ver-
sion supported by your operating system. To find out which version to use,
consult the vendor of your operating system. Settings: [1.4], [1.1].
Console Redirection
Console Redirection
operates in host systems that do not have a monitor and
keyboard attached. This setting enables/disables the operation of console
redirection. When set to
, BIOS redirects and sends all contents that
should be displayed on the screen to the serial COM port for display on the
terminal screen. Besides, all data received from the serial port is interpreted as
keystrokes from a local keyboard. Setting options: [Enabled], [Disabled].
Baud Rate
This setting specifies the transfer rate (bits per second) of
Console Redirection
Setting options: [9600], [19200], [38400], [57600], [115200].
Agent Connect Via
To operate the system’s console redirection, you need a terminal supporting
ANSI terminal protocol and a RS-232 null modem cable connected between
the host system and terminal(s). This field is a read-only field, which is used to
indicate the type of device connected between the host system and terminal
(s). NULL stands for a null modem.
Agent Wait Time (min)
This setting controls the timeout for terminals’ (console redirection) connec-
tion to the host system. Setting options: [1], [2], [4], [8] (Min).
Agent After Boot
This setting determines whether or not to keep terminals’ console redirection
running after the OS has booted. Setting options: [Disabled], [Enabled].
ASF Support
This setting disables/enables the ASF (Alert Standard Format) function. Set-
ting options: [Disabled], [Enabled].