Adaptec SATA RAID Utility for Intel ICH-HR
Beneath the controller information are Physical Devices and Logical De-
vices views that show connected devices and existing arrays on this
controller. Controller information and device views are repeated for each
additional Adaptec RAID controller in the system.
Select the controller by clicking anywhere on the controller information.
When the controller is selected, the Events, Properties and Tasks buttons
change from blue to amber, indicating that clicking any of them will display
an additional window with information and options specific to this controller.
Pop-Up Tool Tips
If you position the cursor over a device or button a pop-up tool tip appears.
For buttons, the tips contain helpful information about the function of the
button, while for devices they display additional information.
Physical Devices
The Physical Devices view displays information about the drives and en-
closures attached to the Adaptec RAID controller. The devices are shown
organized by the channel or port that they are connected to and shown in
numerical order.
The display for each channel includes information on maximum speed
capability, the number of the channel on the controller, and the number of
devices found (excluding the SCSI controller).
Selecting a channel or device will turn the Events, Properties, and Tasks
buttons amber. This indicates that clicking any of these buttons will dis-
play an additional window with information and options specific to that
device or channel.
At the top of the Physical Devices view, grouped to the right of View, are
three view selection buttons. These buttons select the physical devices
connected to this controller.
Changing How Drives are Displayed
By default, the Physical Devices displays a condensed view of the control-
ler configuration that hides detailed information about the drives. More
information is available by either positioning the mouse pointer over the
device or clicking on the arrowhead to the left of a row of devices.
The selected display mode button will appear in a lighter shade of blue than