MGate MB3660 Modbus Gateway
Web Console Configuration
To enable/disable this Modbus command
Enter a name to help identify the command, such as the location, function, etc.
Slave IP address
The IP address of remote slave device.
The TCP port number of remote slave devices.
1 to 65535
Slave ID
The Modbus slave ID that this slave module will accept.
0: Broadcasting
1–255: Device specific.
When a message is sent from a Client to a Server device the function code field tells
the server what kind of action to perform.
We support the following function codes so far:
01: Read coils
02: Read discrete inputs
03: Read holding registers
04: Read input register
05: Write single coil
06: Write single register
15: Write multiple coils
16: Write multiple registers
23: Read/Write multiple registers
Disable: The command is never sent
Cyclic: The command is sent cyclically at the interval specified in the
Poll Interval
Data change: The data area is polled for changes at the time interval defined by Poll
Interval. A command is issued when a change in data is detected.
Poll interval
Polling intervals are in milliseconds; since the module sends all requests in turns,
the actual polling interval also depends on the number of requests in the queue and
their parameters. The range is from 10 to 1,200,000 ms.